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Maintenance Tips For Your Rental Properties

The value of your rental property can increase over the years if it’s well managed. Properly taking care of it will also save you from spending astronomical amounts for repairs. In fact, if you’re consistent in inspecting your unit, it will save you time as well. Rather than facing a time-consuming repair situation, you’re assured that you’ve caught problems early on.

Here are some tips you can apply in your rental property to maintain its attractiveness:

1. Regularly schedule exterminations

At first glance, this tip might sound costly. However, then imagine losing your tenants when they see termites, rodents, or bedbugs. Thus, exterminations are essential in continuing to provide a habitable home for your renters. It also plays a huge role in retaining them.

Even if you never saw a nest of termites or crawling bugs, prevention is still better than remedies. Therefore, opt to budget for an extermination service. Marketing and vacancy expenses tend to be pricier in the long run.

2. Perform water damage and leak inspections

Water damage scores high in terms of costly property damages. So, it’s only reasonable to pay more attention to its signs. Are there soft spots in your ceilings, roofs, and walls? Early detection can save you a lot as a result of its insidious damage, which can then also lead to mold formation.

After the winter season or a wet monsoon, be alert to probable water damage. Check the pipes to see if there are any leaking spots. Don’t forget to look under the sink and water heaters. Prevent costly repairs, as the expense of dealing with water damage can seriously impact your income.

3. Observe your shower caulking & grout between tiles

Another way that water damage can reveal itself is through loose caulk. If your rental unit has been around for a few years, it’s time to re-examine your shower caulk and grout.

examine shower caulking and grout

This is a common occurrence and, as much as possible, you want to close up any extra sources where water can flood. The grout between tiles acts as a protective layer and if this is damaged, you’ll ultimately be spending more for repair. It’s much better to address this simple issue right away.

4. Be vigilant about testing smoke and carbon monoxide detectors

Never forget to include testing your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors in your to-do list. As easy as they are to overlook, you risk a lot when you don’t prioritize this task. If any fire occurs and your smoke detector malfunctioned, your tenant can sue you.

Smoke and carbon monoxide detectors can save lives. Therefore, make time to run monthly tests, as this is one of your highest responsibilities as a landlord. Inspect the batteries and check the expiry period. Smoke detectors typically last for a decade, while carbon monoxide detectors should be replaced after half a decade.

5. Never fail to change filters for air systems

Every 6 months, a landlord must replace the HVAC filters. It helps to keep away the dirt and ensure the cooling and heating systems are working at optimum levels. Otherwise, you’ll be subjected to higher utility bills since the air system is working twice as hard due to inefficiency.

Frequent changing of the filters is also good for the health of the renters, with the air being fresh and clean. Old filters tend to gather dust and even accumulate pet hair. This can lead to blocked and contaminated airflow.

6. Pay attention to gutters and maintaining them

To ensure that water damage is avoided, it’s vital to clean gutters. It’s advisable to place gutter guards to prevent debris from clogging the gutters. Frequent exposure to the outside elements leaves gutters vulnerable to blockages.

maintain gutters

Ignoring the maintenance of gutters can be a costly mistake. You can face water damage as a result. You’d easily find ceiling stains, roof damages, and possibly wall stains, too. So, avoid this problem by frequently inspecting and cleaning up your rental property’s gutters.

7. Schedule a water heater flushing

Doing this once or twice a year is advisable to keep your water heater in top condition. Getting rid of the sediment build-up can increase the efficiency of your water heater unit.

A clogged water heater drainage system can easily cause malfunction. You don’t want to spend your emergency fund just to buy a new heater. This requires proper handling though, so leave it to an expert.

8. Be vigilant about tree safety

As much as trees bring a calm atmosphere to a rental property, they can also be dangerous when not maintained. Imagine dead branches and weak limbs falling suddenly. This type of injury can easily be avoided if inspections are done regularly.

After storms and heavy winds, trees tend to break their branches. Be wary of the vulnerable points. Hire a gardener to regularly trim the branches or get rid of the dead limbs. Safety should always be considered first.

9. Check the windows and doors

Another area where water damage can present itself is in windows and doors. Make sure to apply waterproof sealants so even if the rain moisture hits the windowsill or doorway, it won’t get in and cause damage.

window and door inspection

Sealants also help contain the air temperature. So, when your home is heated in the winter, the warm air is trapped. It’s similar during the summer when the cool air inside is also prevented from escaping due to the window and door sealants. This helps save you from exorbitant utility bills.

10. Practice upkeep of the exterior wood

Unpainted exterior wood surfaces invite more damage. It’s advisable to paint this wood. If the paint has started to peel, make it a point to repaint to keep up a neat appearance.

Leaving an exterior wood unpainted can make it succumb to damage sooner. It can easily lead to rotting, making it unsightly. This can require you to spend more on its replacement. Wood also tends to be pricey, so save yourself the trouble and actively check the paint.

Bottom Line

Property maintenance requires one to scrutinize the details. It’s best to have a checklist to ensure everything has been inspected. If you find the tasks heavy, you can always opt to hire a professional property manager.


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Sophia Hannay Rental Property Owner